A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome, Player-San! UwU

Do you wish to prove yourself as the ultimate gamer? Perhaps you wish to improve your finger flexibility to perform those sick MLG tactics. Well, look no further because in this Dojo, your hands are your greatest weapon!

Keyboard Warrior is inspired by the classic game Twister (see, it's part of the theme!!), however instead of using your body to play, you must use your fingers. Keyboard Warriors takes all the stress and joint pain of regular Twister and puts it all into one friendly little PC game. Your host, Nibbles-Sensei will direct your next moves and react to how well you do throughout the game. How he has become a Keyboard Warrior sensei with no fingers, you may wonder? We don't ask.


How to play:

1) You will be shown two images. The left specifies a finger and the right specifies a letter on your keyboard. BEfore the countdown ends, you must place the correct finger onto the corresponding key. Keep this held down. 

2) If you were successful in pushing down the correct key and manage to hold it until the next round, you gain a point. Bonus points are awarded every 5 rounds.

3) Each round, a random finger and letter will be selected. If you already have the specified finger placed, move it to the new position. IF you already have a finger on the letter specified, replace the old finger with whichever new one it specifies.

4) If you don't manage to get into the right position before the countdown ends or you release a key before the next round starts, you will lose the game. When you lose you are presented with your final score (and a very dissapointed sensei!).


This game was created by Faye Meadows, including art and programming. No external assets other than the music were used and all elements were made during the jam.

Music is royalty free from youtube.

I really hope you enjoy this game, and let me know what you think!


NOTE: This game is 1920 x 1080 resolution and not optimised for ultra-wide monitors. Some elements may be cropped strangely so please play in Windowed mode if this applies to you :)


Keyboard Warrior.zip 143 MB
Instructions Readme.txt 903 bytes

Install instructions

Download contains ZIP with the game build. Unzip and click on the Keyboard Warrior executable.

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